Wednesday 11 February 2009

Too Much Sex?

The first lecture on ‘Being Bad’ left me in a state of unease. As we focussed on the worst things we had ever done, sexual behaviour dominated the discussion. My head was buzzing with questions. Have I led a sheltered life? Am I out of touch with the younger generation? Surely, the values embedded in me as a child have not disappeared entirely. I wondered if my fellow students were simply exaggerating about their sexual experiences, just for effect. As a mature student, am I really so naive about the modern generation? I felt like an ostrich with its head in the sand in order to hold on to my own set of values, outdated as they may well be.

Some confessions were quite humorous, despite the moral implications. One person had the effrontery to claim that she had sex with her boyfriend’s dad! However, I could not help but think of the sad aspect of ‘tasting the fruits’ of sexual love with anybody who takes your fancy. How can these casual experiences compare with the all-encompassing, loving sex between two people committed to each other for life. Please don’t say I sound like Mary Whitehouse! I am doing my best not to moralise; indeed, ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone’. We are equipped with a free will and a sense of right and wrong, however we interpret this in our uniqueness as individuals. Finally, variety is the spice of life, and sex, as wonderful as it can be, is only a very small ingredient.

1 comment:

  1. I was also a bit uneased by some of the revelations made in the first lecture, and like many the secret about the girl sleeping with the boyfriend's dad really got my attention. I am also a mature student and like you I do wonder if the sexual exploits were exaggerated, but after speaking to a few other people I came to the realisation that they may be very true.
    Live and let live is my motto, even though when you're shocked you can't help but wonder how someone could do certain things. I think the best thing is for everyone to know who they are as a person and do what they feel comfortable doing, even if it is sleeping with your boyfriend's father.
