Thursday 5 March 2009

Shoplifting or a life-line?

I have heard it said that some people receive a rush of adrenaline when they steal from shops and consequently become addicted to shoplifting. Often, these people could afford to buy the items they steal so they are selfish, self-seeking individuals. I can only assume they are bored with their lives and too lazy to do something worthwhile instead of looking for ‘kicks’. Then there are the thieves who steal items they can sell, in order to obtain money to feed their addition to drugs. These are perhaps more to be pitied than anything. Finally, there are people who steal food when they are hungry and broke, and those who only steal because they are destitute. Stealing is a crime. However, in the latter two cases, I make an exception. They are understandable and forgivable actions, which I rate in the same way as Robin Hood did, when he robbed the rich to give to the poor.

1 comment:

  1. Stealing is a crime, thats truth, when people are stealing things, they are often forget about that they are stealing not only stuffs, but first off all - rob somebody, for example owner of a shop, who is working very hard to keep the business. But I'm totally agree that stealing food when the robber is hungry, have no chance to earn money.
